- 01/12/2024
- Cleveragh Astro
- Ballygawley Celtic
- 10:00
- Ballygawley Celtic
- 10:00
- Abbey United
- Abbey United
- 01/12/2024
- Cleveragh Astro
- Benbulben FC
- 11:00
- Benbulben FC
- 11:00
- Yeats United
- Yeats United
- 01/12/2024
- Cleveragh Astro
- St Johns
- 12:00
- St Johns
- 12:00
- Gurteen Celtic
- Gurteen Celtic
- 01/12/2024
- Cleveragh Astro
- Real Tubber
- 13:00
- Real Tubber
- 13:00
- Dromohaire Fc
- Dromohaire Fc
- 01/12/2024
- Cleveragh Astro
- Ballymote Celtic
- 14:00
- Ballymote Celtic
- 14:00
- Ballisodare United
- Ballisodare United
- 01/12/2024
- Cleveragh Astro
- Strand Celtic
- 16:00
- Strand Celtic
- 16:00
- Boyle Celtic
- Boyle Celtic
- 01/01/2030
- Sean Fallon Park
- Abbey United
- 00:00
- Abbey United
- 00:00
- Gurteen Celtic
- Gurteen Celtic
- 01/01/2030
- Sean Fallon Park
- Abbey United
- 00:00
- Abbey United
- 00:00
- Real Tubber
- Real Tubber
- 01/01/2030
- Sean Fallon Park
- Abbey United
- 00:00
- Abbey United
- 00:00
- St Johns
- St Johns
- 01/01/2030
- Sean Fallon Park
- Abbey United
- 00:00
- Abbey United
- 00:00
- Yeats United
- Yeats United
- 01/01/2030
- Astro Pitch-Ballisodare
- Ballisodare United
- 00:00
- Ballisodare United
- 00:00
- Abbey United
- Abbey United
- 01/01/2030
- Astro Pitch-Ballisodare
- Ballisodare United
- 00:00
- Ballisodare United
- 00:00
- Ballygawley Celtic
- Ballygawley Celtic
- 01/01/2030
- Astro Pitch-Ballisodare
- Ballisodare United
- 00:00
- Ballisodare United
- 00:00
- Boyle Celtic
- Boyle Celtic
- 01/01/2030
- Astro Pitch-Ballisodare
- Ballisodare United
- 00:00
- Ballisodare United
- 00:00
- Dromohaire Fc
- Dromohaire Fc
- 01/01/2030
- Astro Pitch-Ballisodare
- Ballisodare United
- 00:00
- Ballisodare United
- 00:00
- St Johns
- St Johns
- 01/01/2030
- Ballygawley
- Ballygawley Celtic
- 00:00
- Ballygawley Celtic
- 00:00
- Gurteen Celtic
- Gurteen Celtic
- 01/01/2030
- Ballygawley
- Ballygawley Celtic
- 00:00
- Ballygawley Celtic
- 00:00
- St Johns
- St Johns
- 01/01/2030
- Ballygawley
- Ballygawley Celtic
- 00:00
- Ballygawley Celtic
- 00:00
- Strand Celtic
- Strand Celtic
- 01/01/2030
- Brother Walfrid Park
- Ballymote Celtic
- 00:00
- Ballymote Celtic
- 00:00
- Abbey United
- Abbey United
- 01/01/2030
- Brother Walfrid Park
- Ballymote Celtic
- 00:00
- Ballymote Celtic
- 00:00
- Ballygawley Celtic
- Ballygawley Celtic
- 01/01/2030
- Brother Walfrid Park
- Ballymote Celtic
- 00:00
- Ballymote Celtic
- 00:00
- Boyle Celtic
- Boyle Celtic
- 01/01/2030
- Brother Walfrid Park
- Ballymote Celtic
- 00:00
- Ballymote Celtic
- 00:00
- St Johns
- St Johns
- 01/01/2030
- Benbulben FC
- Benbulben FC
- 00:00
- Benbulben FC
- 00:00
- Ballisodare United
- Ballisodare United
- 01/01/2030
- Benbulben FC
- Benbulben FC
- 00:00
- Benbulben FC
- 00:00
- Ballygawley Celtic
- Ballygawley Celtic
- 01/01/2030
- Benbulben FC
- Benbulben FC
- 00:00
- Benbulben FC
- 00:00
- Ballymote Celtic
- Ballymote Celtic
- 01/01/2030
- Celtic Park-Boyle Astro
- Boyle Celtic
- 00:00
- Boyle Celtic
- 00:00
- Abbey United
- Abbey United
- 01/01/2030
- Celtic Park-Boyle Astro
- Boyle Celtic
- 00:00
- Boyle Celtic
- 00:00
- Ballygawley Celtic
- Ballygawley Celtic
- 01/01/2030
- Celtic Park-Boyle Astro
- Boyle Celtic
- 00:00
- Boyle Celtic
- 00:00
- Dromohaire Fc
- Dromohaire Fc
- 01/01/2030
- Celtic Park-Boyle Astro
- Boyle Celtic
- 00:00
- Boyle Celtic
- 00:00
- Gurteen Celtic
- Gurteen Celtic
- 01/01/2030
- Celtic Park-Boyle Astro
- Boyle Celtic
- 00:00
- Boyle Celtic
- 00:00
- Real Tubber
- Real Tubber
- 01/01/2030
- Dromohaire Fc
- Dromohaire Fc
- 00:00
- Dromohaire Fc
- 00:00
- Ballygawley Celtic
- Ballygawley Celtic
- 01/01/2030
- Dromohaire Fc
- Dromohaire Fc
- 00:00
- Dromohaire Fc
- 00:00
- Ballymote Celtic
- Ballymote Celtic
- 01/01/2030
- Dromohaire Fc
- Dromohaire Fc
- 00:00
- Dromohaire Fc
- 00:00
- Benbulben FC
- Benbulben FC
- 01/01/2030
- Dromohaire Fc
- Dromohaire Fc
- 00:00
- Dromohaire Fc
- 00:00
- St Johns
- St Johns
- 01/01/2030
- Gurteen Astro Pitch
- Gurteen Celtic
- 00:00
- Gurteen Celtic
- 00:00
- Benbulben FC
- Benbulben FC
- 01/01/2030
- Gurteen Astro Pitch
- Gurteen Celtic
- 00:00
- Gurteen Celtic
- 00:00
- Dromohaire Fc
- Dromohaire Fc
- 01/01/2030
- Gurteen Astro Pitch
- Gurteen Celtic
- 00:00
- Gurteen Celtic
- 00:00
- Strand Celtic
- Strand Celtic
- 01/01/2030
- Gurteen Astro Pitch
- Gurteen Celtic
- 00:00
- Gurteen Celtic
- 00:00
- Yeats United
- Yeats United
- 01/01/2030
- The Showfield Tubbercurry
- Real Tubber
- 00:00
- Real Tubber
- 00:00
- Ballymote Celtic
- Ballymote Celtic
- 01/01/2030
- The Showfield Tubbercurry
- Real Tubber
- 00:00
- Real Tubber
- 00:00
- Benbulben FC
- Benbulben FC
- 01/01/2030
- The Showfield Tubbercurry
- Real Tubber
- 00:00
- Real Tubber
- 00:00
- Gurteen Celtic
- Gurteen Celtic
- 01/01/2030
- The Showfield Tubbercurry
- Real Tubber
- 00:00
- Real Tubber
- 00:00
- Strand Celtic
- Strand Celtic
- 01/01/2030
- The Showfield Tubbercurry
- Real Tubber
- 00:00
- Real Tubber
- 00:00
- Yeats United
- Yeats United
- 01/01/2030
- St Johns
- St Johns
- 00:00
- St Johns
- 00:00
- Benbulben FC
- Benbulben FC
- 01/01/2030
- St Johns
- St Johns
- 00:00
- St Johns
- 00:00
- Real Tubber
- Real Tubber
- 01/01/2030
- St Johns
- St Johns
- 00:00
- St Johns
- 00:00
- Strand Celtic
- Strand Celtic
- 01/01/2030
- Strandhill Village
- Strand Celtic
- 00:00
- Strand Celtic
- 00:00
- Abbey United
- Abbey United
- 01/01/2030
- Strandhill Village
- Strand Celtic
- 00:00
- Strand Celtic
- 00:00
- Ballisodare United
- Ballisodare United
- 01/01/2030
- Strandhill Village
- Strand Celtic
- 00:00
- Strand Celtic
- 00:00
- Benbulben FC
- Benbulben FC
- 01/01/2030
- Carney Village
- Yeats United
- 00:00
- Yeats United
- 00:00
- Ballisodare United
- Ballisodare United
- 01/01/2030
- Carney Village
- Yeats United
- 00:00
- Yeats United
- 00:00
- Ballymote Celtic
- Ballymote Celtic
- 01/01/2030
- Carney Village
- Yeats United
- 00:00
- Yeats United
- 00:00
- Boyle Celtic
- Boyle Celtic
- 01/01/2030
- Carney Village
- Yeats United
- 00:00
- Yeats United
- 00:00
- Dromohaire Fc
- Dromohaire Fc
- 01/01/2030
- Carney Village
- Yeats United
- 00:00
- Yeats United
- 00:00
- Strand Celtic
- Strand Celtic
- 17/11/2024 15:00
- 15:00
- Gurteen Celtic
- 3 v 3
- Gurteen Celtic
- 3 v 3
- Ballisodare United
- Ballisodare United
- 17/11/2024 14:00
- 14:00
- Benbulben FC
- 3 v 3
- Benbulben FC
- 3 v 3
- Boyle Celtic
- Boyle Celtic
- 17/11/2024 13:00
- 13:00
- Ballygawley Celtic
- 3 v 3
- Ballygawley Celtic
- 3 v 3
- Real Tubber
- Real Tubber
- 17/11/2024 12:00
- 12:00
- St Johns
- 3 v 3
- St Johns
- 3 v 3
- Yeats United
- Yeats United
- 17/11/2024 11:00
- 11:00
- Abbey United
- 3 v 3
- Abbey United
- 3 v 3
- Dromohaire Fc
- Dromohaire Fc
- 17/11/2024 10:00
- 10:00
- Strand Celtic
- 3 v 3
- Strand Celtic
- 3 v 3
- Ballymote Celtic
- Ballymote Celtic
- 02/11/2024 11:00
- 11:00
- Gurteen Celtic
- 3 v 3
- Gurteen Celtic
- 3 v 3
- Ballymote Celtic
- Ballymote Celtic
- 02/11/2024 11:00
- 11:00
- Dromohaire Fc
- 3 v 3
- Dromohaire Fc
- 3 v 3
- Strand Celtic
- Strand Celtic
- 02/11/2024 11:00
- 11:00
- Boyle Celtic
- 3 v 3
- Boyle Celtic
- 3 v 3
- St Johns
- St Johns
- 02/11/2024 11:00
- 11:00
- Benbulben FC
- 3 v 3
- Benbulben FC
- 3 v 3
- Abbey United
- Abbey United
- 02/11/2024 11:00
- 11:00
- Ballygawley Celtic
- 3 v 3
- Ballygawley Celtic
- 3 v 3
- Yeats United
- Yeats United
- 02/11/2024 11:00
- 11:00
- Ballisodare United
- 3 v 3
- Ballisodare United
- 3 v 3
- Real Tubber
- Real Tubber